Disposable Sausce Dip Container

 900 8,000

Disposable sauce dip containers are small containers for holding and serving condiments, sauces, and dips. These containers are typically made of plastic, paper, or other disposable materials. They come in various shapes and sizes, often with lids to secure the contents and prevent spillage. These containers are commonly used in the food service industry, including restaurants, food trucks, and catering, for providing convenient and hygienic portions of sauces or dips.

Dimension of Product:  

  • Height 1 ONZ:  1.5 INCH
  • Top Rim Diameter:  2.5 INCH
  • Bottom Rim Diameter: 1.5 INCH

Volume: 50ml

Color:  Black & Transparent

Material: Disposable Plastic

SKU: N/A Category:


Disposable Sausce Dip Container provide controlled portions, ensuring that customers receive the right amount of sauce or dip with their food. 

  1. Hygiene: These Disposable Sausce Dip Container’ individual serving size and disposable nature contribute to better hygiene. Customers can be confident that their sauce or dip has not been shared or contaminated.
  2. Convenience: The small, portable size of disposable sauce dip containers makes them convenient for takeout, delivery, or on-the-go consumption. They are suitable for various foods, including fries, nuggets, and other finger foods.
  3. Versatility: These containers come in various sizes, allowing for versatility in serving different quantities of sauces or dips. They can accommodate anything from a small serving of ketchup to a larger portion of salsa or dressing.
  4. Reduced Mess: The sealed lids on many disposable sauce dip containers help prevent spills and leaks, reducing mess and making them suitable for packaging with to-go orders.
  5. Customization: Some containers may be designed for branding or customization. This allows restaurants and food businesses to showcase their logo, colours, or labels on the containers, contributing to brand recognition.
  6. Cost-Effective: Disposable sauce dip containers are often cost-effective for businesses. They can be purchased in bulk at a relatively low cost, and the single-use. nature eliminates the need for washing and reusing, saving on labour and water costs.
  7. Variety: These containers come in various shapes and materials, allowing businesses to choose the type that best suits their needs. 
  8. Contribution to Food Presentation: Using individual containers can contribute to the overall presentation of the dish. 
  9. Time-Saving: Disposable sauce dip containers save food preparation and service time. 


Additional information

Disposable Sausce Dip Container Color

Transparent, Black

Disposable Sausce Dip Container Size (onz)

1 ONZ, 2 ONZ


100 pcs, 200 pcs, 500 pcs, 1000 pcs

Personalized Cups

Our paper coffee cup is white and can be customized with text or patterns. You can let everyone know which cup they have by making this cup more personal and reusable.

Versatile Use

Our disposable cups are great for holding water, juice, tea, and Coffee. You can use it in your home, office, cafeteria, coffee shops, corporate parties, cafeterias, or milk tea shops for any occasion. It can be thrown out immediately after being used.



Help the planet one cup at a while! These hot coffee cups can be refilled so you can continue to enjoy your favorite beverage and contribute to reducing waste.


100% Biodegradable.

End of Life

A 100 % compostable product.


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